Notes to Balozi’s presentation and meeting with students
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Notes to Balozi’s presentation and meeting with students |
moi university main campus fees structure - • Current offer of BSc studies (4 years):
o BSc Forestry (~20 students per year)
o BSc Agroforestry and Rural Development (~20 students per year)
o BSc Wood Science and Industrial Processes (~6-10 students per year)
• From January 2012, 3 new BSc programmes:
o BSc Nature Resource Management (~30 students per year)
o BSc Water Resource Management (~30 students per year)
o BSc Bioenergy and Climate Change (~30 students per year)
moi university website
• (Current offer of MSc studies?
o MSc Forestry
o MSc Wood Science
• (Doctoral programme; under development (?)
o PhD Forestry
• Drop-out rate ~10%
- moi university diploma courses
• Tuition fees ~1300 $/year, with government funds partially covering this
• Students’ timetable: 7 to 17 (occasionally longer)
• Number of students per class: from 7-30 in specialized courses, up to 100 in common courses
• Teaching methods: front teaching, regardless of the number of students
- moi university application forms
• Academic year:
o 1st semester: August to November (exams from the 2nd week of November)
o 2nd semester: January to March/April (exams in ?)
o [3rd semester: Field Practice in year 3; Attachments (internships) in other years]
• A typical course: would run for the whole semester, i.e. 3-4 months (16 weeks), with 13 weeks for teaching period and 3 weeks of exams.
• Evaluation: 30% from cut assessments, 70% from main exam. Some students argue that the cur assessments can imply lot of work and count little; cut assessments can include group work.
• Student profile: many originating from other parts of Kenya, very few having a laptop, half wishing to continue for MSc studies; employment niches seen at KFS, UN, manufacturing, environmental organizations, banks, lecturers.
- moi university main campus opening date
• Basic science courses taught by foresters (previously not the case, but seen as an improvement)
-Organizational structure Moi University: Campuses: Main Campus; Town Campus; Eldoret West Campus; Kericho Satellite Campus etc; Constituent Colleges Chepkoilel University College; Kabianga University College; etc
Chepkoilel University College>
o School of Science
o School of Education
o School of Agriculture and Biotechnology
o School of Natural Resource Management
academic departments:
• Wildlife management
• Fisheries and aquatic sciences
• Forestry and wood science
- moi university main campus latest news
Notes to comments made during Workshop
• (Koech): Emerging issues: energy, food security, growing trees outside forests, community involvement
• ODL is needed also for KFS
• Are BSc and MSc now at Moi too many and too specialized? Will they get job, if market needs change?
• Quality of graduates gone down
• Government policy: free education; ODL important
• (Koech): 32 trainees from Chepkoilel at KFS
• Through the Wold Bank funding to KFS, new building for Department of Forestry and Wood Science
• Group 1 discussions
o Demand of job market for agroforesters is low; should they study forestry and specialize only in the last year(s)
o A previous workshop in 2010 focussed on this, and included a curriculum analysis, contemplating 3 parts in the studies: basic sciences, basics of forestry/Agroforestry, and practices. Documents will be made available.
o First year: climate and weather missing, soil and water and hydrology missing
o Resources are available from KFS for Moi to review the curriculum [150000€/year] through MMMB
o KF College (KFC, providing diploma/technical level education) also to review curriculum by end 2012
o Moi has opportunities to greatly benefit from 3 facilities with Finnish funds:
UEF project
MMMB curriculum review
KFC –Moi curricula harmonization
o At KEFRI (Kenyan Forestry Research Institute), currently about 50% are agroforesters due to ICRAF influence/work
o A Forestry Professional Association will be soon constituted
o Organizations mentioned:
NEMA: National Environmental Management Authority
KBS: Kenyan Bureau Standards
- moi university fees structure school of business and economics
• Group 3 discussions (How to make forestry visible and attractive); [Added by Sari]
o Mobiles a good tool to increase the interest and knowledge of children, good to involve also parents
o Possibility to include environmental / forestry issues to the curricula of primary schools?
o Connection to media: how, what, by whom?
o Cooperation with companies, e.g. the mobile solution: providing some elements for the solution as a part of their social responsibility
- moi university admission letters
o Need to involve students to “work” with farmers (planting, nursery, silviculture, forest management planning)
o Creating clubs, members: students, farmers, teachers, children -> discussing / learning / teaching
o Politicians: participation into planning phase concerning environmental issues (policy forums?)
o Cooperation with local environmental office NEEDED!: staff visits, training for the office’s staff (willing to pay from it!)
o Internships of students to administrative offices
o Curricula revision needed every 5 years: increase multidisciplinary, practical work
o Curricula discussion:
- moi university intake dates 2016
How to put the previous issues to curricula (mobile game, media context, practical work, etc.)
Revision of some courses needed (like communication skills, some ecological courses, etc.)
Need to generate new courses on current issues like forest energy
Forest / professional ethics (community /social responsibility)
BIG QUESTION: should Chepkoilel College create one program for forestry to generate wider knowledge or many programs (like planned at the moment) with narrow expertise?
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